Is Phubbing Ruining Your Relationship?

You’re probably wondering what Phubbing is. Almost all of us have been “Phubbed” at one point or another. You just might not have heard the term before today. Surprisingly, though the phrase has only recently begun reaching prevalence, the term dates to a contest held in 2012. The publishers of the Macquarie Dictionary worked with […]
Great Relationships Don’t Just Happen: They Require Care

There’s a persistent relationship myth damaging many relationships. Actually, if you’ve read our previous article, you’ll know there are many. But there is one, in particular, doing long-term damage to relationships. You have probably heard it from friends or family or may even believe it yourself in the back of your mind. “Good relationships just […]
5 Relationship Myths Hurting Your Relationship

We all know that relationships can be complicated and that maintaining a positive connection with the people we care about is not always easy. On top of the natural difficulty, many of us have ideas or myths about how relationships ‘should’ be conducted. Unfortunately, when we don’t root out these myths, they can lead to […]
A New Year’s Resolution for Your Relationship

Another year has flown by and many people are thinking about what they want from the new year. It’s rare to get through a day without someone asking, “what’s your new year’s resolution?” According to Statista, health was last year’s number one resolution. That’s followed by personal improvement, career advancement, etc. Focusing on yourself and […]
How to Bounce Back After the Holidays and Avoid Holiday Regression

The holiday season can be a time of pure joy, celebration, and quality family time. But it can also be a time of exhaustion, depletion, and feeling like you’ve taken several steps back. That’s why it’s so important to practice self-care and create a post-holiday routine to help you bounce back to your pre-holiday levels […]
Tips for Dealing with Holiday Season Stress

Thanksgiving just passed, and the holidays are rapidly approaching. In my couples counselling, I have worked with many individuals and couples who eagerly await the arrival of the holidays. But I’ve also worked with many who view the season with trepidation. Even if you’re a holiday super-fan who goes all in on decorating and preparing, […]
Want a Healthy Long-Term Relationship? Consider Proactive Couples Counselling

Even the best couples can drift over time. When the honeymoon period ends, couples are often left wondering where the spark went and why they’re moving apart from one another. That’s because most of us didn’t learn the skills necessary to maintain and nurture healthy and successful relationships. Think about almost every romantic comedy ever. […]
Why Individual Therapy Is a Worthy Investment in Yourself

Life has a way of coming at us all at once. You can be going along fine, and something interrupts or blocks your progress out of nowhere. Particularly recently, the pandemic has caused massive disruptions to everyday life. Unfortunately, we’ll never be able to fully control what happens to us in life. What we can […]
Is Online Couples Counselling Right For Us?

A lot goes into maintaining a healthy relationship. It takes effort and commitment to continuously nurture the relationship and each other without losing sight of your own needs, wishes, hopes, and desires. If even a single aspect falls out of alignment, it can have a negative effect on the relationship as a whole. When one […]
When Is The Right Time To Start Couples Counselling

A common question I’m asked is when should couples consider starting couples counselling? This is an excellent question, but it made me realize that there is a misunderstanding of the full benefits of couples counselling. Hidden in this question is the idea that there’s a tipping point after which someone should seek couples counselling. Like […]